Here are some of my favorites, as well as some of those photos favored by others.

Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, NM

Brewster River Bridge, Cambridge, VT

Arlington National Cemetery, Washington D.C.

Barred Owl, Colchester, VT

Skyline Arch, Arches National Park, Moab, Utah

Standing Stones of Stennes, Stennes, Scotland

Manchester, VT

Yesnaby Cliffs, Stromness, Scotland

Franklin, VT

St. George Harbour, Grenada

Texas Falls Cavern, Hancock, VT

Merrimack, NH

Swanton, VT

(Infrared) Sachuest Point National Wildlife Refuge, RI

Mt. Rainier, WA

"Dunrobin Castle" - Golspie, Scotland